16-17 June
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Monday June 16, 2025 12:10 - 12:40 JST
One of the key bottlenecks in Kubernetes pod startup is the time taken to pull container images and OCI artifacts. It’s also costly to fetch large container images from the registry often. To tackle this problem, we developed a cache system with the following features:

* New Cache Hierarchy: Images pulled by pods are shared across the entire cluster, enabling cluster-wide optimization, not only cluster-local cache.
* Ninja: Users experience faster container image pulls without any changes on their part. Just like a ninja, the system stealthily enhances performance.
* Preheating: It supports pushing images to preheat the cache for subsequent pulls.

Deployed in a production cluster, the cache system has achieved a cache hit rate of around 95%, significantly reducing pod startup times and network communication with registries. Attendees will learn practical insights into leveraging cache and CRI to optimize image and OCI artifact pulls, ultimately enhancing cluster efficiency.
avatar for Toru Komatsu

Toru Komatsu

Software Engineer, Preferred Networks, Inc.
Toru is the creator and lead developer of one of the CNCF Projects, Youki, an OCI runtime written in Rust. He is also a maintainer of the OCI Runtime Specification. Additionally, he is a member of Kubernetes and containerd and serves as a reviewer for runwasi. Toru is involved in... Read More →
avatar for Hidehito Yabuuchi

Hidehito Yabuuchi

Software Engineer, Preferred Networks, Inc.
Hidehito Yabuuchi is a Software Engineer at Preferred Networks, Inc. He has worked on on-premises Kubernetes clusters primarily for ML and HPC. His main interests are Kubernetes schedulers, container image registries, cooperation with public clouds, among others. He also has led the... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 12:10 - 12:40 JST
Level 1 | Pegasus Ballroom B2+C
  Operations + Performance

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