16-17 June
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Monday June 16, 2025 14:24 - 14:29 JST
When a process like /usr/bin/curl runs in a pod (e.g., xwing in the default namespace), Tetragon detects it like bellow:

🚀 process default/xwing /bin/bash -c "curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon"
🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon
💥 exit default/xwing /usr/bin/curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon 60

But how does it map that process to its pod?

This Lightning Talk explores how Tetragon connects the Linux kernel to Kubernetes by enriching eBPF-detected process data with Kubernetes metadata. I’ll break down how it extracts cgroup information from task_struct in kernel space and maps it to pod details using the Kubernetes API.
avatar for Yuki Nakamura

Yuki Nakamura

Platform Engeneer, mapbox
- Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Tokyo - IBM - Mapbox Blog: https://yuki-nakamura.com/
Monday June 16, 2025 14:24 - 14:29 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Security

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