16-17 June
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Monday June 16, 2025 14:59 - 15:04 JST
When using container image vulnerability scanners like Trivy, a large number of vulnerabilities may be detected. However, not all of them necessarily require an action. This is because not all libraries or command-line tools included in the container image are actually utilized.

For example, the `python:3.12.4` image includes a `git` binary with the vulnerability CVE-2024-32002. This vulnerability does not need an immediate action if it is known that the Python application being run does not execute `git` commands.

VEX (Vulnerability-Exploitability eXchange) formats such as OpenVEX can be used to suppress such false alarms.
However, VEX is still not widely adopted due to the difficulty of manual analysis and classification of vulnerabilities.

This presentation introduces VexLLM, a tool that helps writing VEX by leveraging LLMs. VexLLM is available as a plugin for Trivy.

GitHub: https://github.com/AkihiroSuda/vexllm
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Akihiro Suda

Software Engineer, NTT
Akihiro Suda is a software engineer at NTT Corporation. He has been a maintainer of Moby (dockerd), BuildKit, containerd, runc, etc. He is also a founder of nerdctl and Lima (CNCF project).
Monday June 16, 2025 14:59 - 15:04 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Security
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Presentation Language English

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