16-17 June
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Monday June 16, 2025 16:30 - 17:00 JST
As organizations scale their model training workloads in cloud-native environments, they face significant data processing and storage challenges: managing massive training datasets across distributed storage systems while ensuring optimal I/O performance. While Kubernetes excels at compute orchestration, the increasing distribution of data across multiple storage backends creates bottlenecks that impact training performance and infrastructure costs.

This presentation introduces a Kubernetes-native distributed caching system that utilizes NVMe storage to overcome data locality challenges. Haoyuan Li will also share real-world, large-scale production use cases to show how this architecture lowers data infrastructure costs, increases GPU utilization, and enables workload portability to navigate GPU scarcity challenges.
avatar for Haoyuan Li

Haoyuan Li

Founder and CEO, Alluxio
Haoyuan Li is the Founder and CEO of Alluxio. He graduated with a Computer Science Ph.D. from the AMPLab at UC Berkeley. At the AMPLab, he co-created and led Alluxio (formerly Tachyon), an open-source virtual distributed file system. Before UC Berkeley, he got a M.S. from Cornell... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 16:30 - 17:00 JST
Level 1 | Pegasus Ballroom A+B1
  Data Processing + Storage

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