16-17 June
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Tuesday June 17, 2025 15:50 - 16:20 JST
OpenMetrics (OM) had a wild journey: it started as a project to standardize the Prometheus exposition format, and it became an entirely separate CNCF Incubating project. Even though the project had high maturity, it struggled for years to find tools to comply with the first version of the spec. Finally, in 2025, it was incorporated back into the Prometheus Github organization so Prometheus developers could lead the efforts for OM 2.0.

In this talk, Arthur, a Prometheus maintainer and OpenMetrics contributor, will walk you through the main challenges that tools like Prometheus and OpenTelemetry face when trying to comply with OpenMetrics 1.0 and how the community plans to address these challenges in OM 2.0.

The audience will also learn how changing an exposition format can make Prometheus and OpenTelemetry-Collector more memory-efficient while making their specifications easier to translate into each other!
avatar for Arthur Silva Sens

Arthur Silva Sens

Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Labs
Arthur Sens is a Software Engineer at Grafana, focusing on Prometheus and OpenTelemetry interoperability. He is also an active member and maintainer for both communities. The only things that can take Arthur away from the computer are his passion for lifting unnecessarily heavy... Read More →
Tuesday June 17, 2025 15:50 - 16:20 JST
Level 1 | Pegasus Ballroom A+B1

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