16-17 June
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Tuesday June 17, 2025 14:10 - 14:40 JST
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is increasingly being used to connect Kubernetes networking with the rest of the IT estate, especially in large-scale and on-premises environments. However, the complexity of many network architectures requires users to have more flexibility and control over how they deploy BGP. Based on the experience at Preferred Networks, this session introduces key BGP peering patterns that enhance Kubernetes networking while maintaining operational simplicity, including:

1. The Sidecar BGP Peering Pattern: A method of running a dedicated BGP speaker alongside Kubernetes networking components, balancing automation with fine-grained control.
2. Native Routing over IP Clos Networks – A tunneling-free approach that integrates Kubernetes with large-scale BGP-based datacenter fabrics for better performance.

Based on real-world experience, we will share best practices and lessons learned, helping attendees design scalable and reliable Kubernetes networking with BGP.
avatar for Sho Shimizu

Sho Shimizu

Software Engineer, Preferred Networks, Inc.
Sho Shimizu, software engineer at Preferred Networks, Inc., specializes in Kubernetes networking for AI/ML workloads. Since joining in 2019, he has developed a custom CNI plugin and is responsible for container networking architecture across the company's AI/ML infrastructure. Previously... Read More →
avatar for Yutaro Hayakawa

Yutaro Hayakawa

Software Engineering Technical Leader, Isovalent at Cisco
Working for Cilium at Isovalent. Linux Networking & BPF enthusiast.
Tuesday June 17, 2025 14:10 - 14:40 JST
Level 1 | Pegasus Ballroom A+B1

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