16-17 June
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Please note: This schedule is automatically displayed in Japan Standard Time (UTC+9:00)To see the schedule in your preferred timezone, please select from the drop-down menu to the right, above "Filter by Date." The schedule is subject to change and session seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Tuesday June 17, 2025 12:12 - 12:17 JST
Kubernetes is the second largest open source project in the world, which means there's always work to do! To maintain and build on Kubernetes, contributors work together in focused groups called Special Interest Groups (SIGs). These groups align with important technically areas of the project like Networking, Node, Autoscaling,and more. But who makes sure those contributors have the tools and processes they need to do their work and grow their groups? Meet SIG Contributor Experience! Ever wonder how the Kubernetes project does things on GitHub, or how social media for the project is run? Come learn how you can contribute to make the Kubernetes community even more fun and welcoming by contributing to the Contributor Experience!
Tuesday June 17, 2025 12:12 - 12:17 JST
Level 1 | Orion

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