16-17 June
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Tuesday June 17, 2025 12:33 - 12:38 JST
Modern infrastructures based on cloud-native platforms such as Kubernetes can become increasingly complex with many components, resources, and customizations, requiring engineers to handle intricate relationships and configurations across them. The complexity increases when they have to write and manage these infrastructures definitions, relationships and configurations using YAML.

Meshery, an open-source cloud-native manager, provides an intuitive visual interface called Kanvas, that allows platform engineers and developers to collaboratively design, deploy and manage Kubernetes resources and apps without writing YAML.

Join this lighting talk to see how Meshery makes Kubernetes more accessible, empowering users to visualize and manage complex relationships with ease.
Tuesday June 17, 2025 12:33 - 12:38 JST
Level 1 | Orion

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