16-17 June
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Type: ⚡ Lightning Talks clear filter
Monday, June 16

14:10 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Embracing Culture and Breaking Language Barriers: A Story of Fostering Global Opensource Communities - Sreeram Venkitesh, DigitalOcean
Monday June 16, 2025 14:10 - 14:15 JST
Open source communities are a celebration of our different cultures. The single reason open source communities are able to build and ship software like Kubernetes, which is used so widely, is because of the collaboration of people from all around the globe.

This also means a lot of challenges when people are working together, like language barriers, cultural differences and timezones. In this talk I'll be sharing some lessons I've learnt about fostering open source communities amidst the differences. In the last two years, serving in the K8s release team and as the SIG Docs New Contributor Ambassador, I've experienced first hand how challenges like language barriers can hinder enthusiastic contributors. This talk is about these different challenges and how we can overcome them.

In an effort to inspire everyone in the open source community to embrace our differences and welcome everyone as we work together, I'm learning Nihongo to attempt giving this talk in the Japanese language.
avatar for Sreeram Venkitesh

Sreeram Venkitesh

Senior Software Engineer, DigitalOcean
Sreeram is a contributor to the Kubernetes project who is primarily active in SIG Release, SIG Contribex Comms and SIG Node. He was part of the Kubernetes release team from v1.29 to v1.32 and was the Enhancements sub-team lead for Kubernetes v1.31. He is also the subproject lead for... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 14:10 - 14:15 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Cloud Native Experience
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Presentation Language Japanese

14:17 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Enhanced Service Redirection: eBPF Ensures the High Availability of Node-Local DNS - Weizhou Lan, Daocloud
Monday June 16, 2025 14:17 - 14:22 JST
Excessive DNS query pressure can cause CoreDNS failures, leading to a cluster-wide meltdown. Thus, per-pod or per-node DNS proxy is a common high-availability solution. By binding the clusterIP of the kube-dns service to the local node, node-local DNS can provide seamless DNS interception and proxying, meeting the demands of low latency and high throughput. However, proxy's breakdown can directly lead to access failures, lacking high availability.
To solve this issue, we use cgroup eBPF to implement enhanced service redirection for node-local DNS, inspired by Cilium's LocalRedirectPolicy. Based on the health status of the local proxy or the redirection QoS strategy, the query of the kube-dns service can be dynamically resolved to the local node-local DNS, otherwise normally forwarded to CoreDNS. This scheme is independent of the CNI, and could cooperate with kube-proxy, offer multiple service redirection strategies and provide production-grade quality assurance for node-local DNS.
avatar for Weizhou Lan

Weizhou Lan

Senior Teach Leader, Daocloud
I currently serve as a Senior Tech Lead at DaoCloud, with over 14 years of engineering experience. I have had the experience of being a speaker at KubeCon three times. I am the initiator and maintainer of the CNCF sandbox project Spiderpool, and an active community member of Cilium... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 14:17 - 14:22 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Connectivity

14:24 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: From Kernel To Kubernetes: Mapping eBPF-Detected Processes To Pods - Yuki Nakamura, mapbox
Monday June 16, 2025 14:24 - 14:29 JST
When a process like /usr/bin/curl runs in a pod (e.g., xwing in the default namespace), Tetragon detects it like bellow:

🚀 process default/xwing /bin/bash -c "curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon"
🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon
💥 exit default/xwing /usr/bin/curl https://ebpf.io/applications/#tetragon 60

But how does it map that process to its pod?

This Lightning Talk explores how Tetragon connects the Linux kernel to Kubernetes by enriching eBPF-detected process data with Kubernetes metadata. I’ll break down how it extracts cgroup information from task_struct in kernel space and maps it to pod details using the Kubernetes API.
avatar for Yuki Nakamura

Yuki Nakamura

Platform Engeneer, mapbox
- Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Tokyo - IBM - Mapbox Blog: https://yuki-nakamura.com/
Monday June 16, 2025 14:24 - 14:29 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Security

14:31 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Optimizing Web Applications by Offloading Heavy Processing To Kubernetes Jobs - Asami Okina, Craftsman Software, Inc.
Monday June 16, 2025 14:31 - 14:36 JST
While typical web applications do not require large amounts of resources constantly, there are cases where specific processes consume significant CPU and memory.
In this session, we will introduce an architecture that offloads such resource-intensive processes to Kubernetes Jobs.
We will explain specific methods for Job management, how to integrate web applications (Next.js, @kubernetes/client-node) with the Kubernetes API, methods for data integration between Jobs and web applications, and real-time tracking of Job progress in the UI, all while sharing practical examples. Furthermore, we will provide a detailed introduction to a pattern where Kubernetes Job definitions generated from applications are managed using ConfigMaps, enabling quick configuration switching between environments, and offer hints to optimize your applications in terms of cost, performance, and management.
avatar for Asami Okina

Asami Okina

Software Engineer, Craftsman Software, Inc.
Focuses on cloud-native application development and operations centered on Kubernetes, holding CKAD and CKA certifications. Specializes in automation using GitHub Actions and loves reducing tedious work. Has expertise in designing and operating systems combining Web Application... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 14:31 - 14:36 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Application Development

14:38 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Practical Monitoring for Knative Serving - Kazuki Higashiguchi, Autify
Monday June 16, 2025 14:38 - 14:43 JST
Knative is a widely adopted CNCF-hosted software for running serverless applications using Kubernetes. Knative Serving consists of many system components, such as Activator, Autoscaler, Controller, Webhook, and Istio or Kourier as an ingress gateway. Therefore, end users need to implement monitors for common error patterns and best metrics from many metrics. However, there is relatively little knowledge and resources for Knative end users.

This talk will present a production case study of monitoring for Knative Service. Specifically, it will explain how we can monitor Knative control plane efficiency, reconciliation operations, pod scaling health, concurrency observation, HTTP request success rate, and more.
That includes how Knative components implement Prometheus metrics, metrics pipelines (on Google Kubernetes Engine), dashboards and alerts.

This case study will benefit existing Knative users and potential users considering employing Knative in their Kubernetes clusters.
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Kazuki Higashiguchi

Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Autify
Kazuki Higashiguchi has more than 9 years of industrial experience, focusing on SRE and operational excellence. He is a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Autify, a company serving AI-powered quality assurance platforms. He is mainly responsible for designing business infrastructure... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 14:38 - 14:43 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Observability

14:45 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: Providing Sufficient PVCs for Your StatefulSets: Creating New Volumes Larger Than the PVCTemplate - Kaoru Esashika, Cybozu, Inc.
Monday June 16, 2025 14:45 - 14:50 JST
Have you ever used automatic PVC resizing tools in Kubernetes? Have you ever encountered a situation where newly created PVCs remained at the small, template-defined size, causing capacity shortages during restores or clones?

To address this challenge, this session introduces a new approach in pvc-autoresizer, one of the tools for automatically resizing PVCs. By aligning newly created PVCs with the largest capacity in the same group, it ensures that PVCs have sufficient space right from creation time. Using annotations and a Mutating Webhook, we avoid capacity shortages during restores by provisioning enough volume capacity immediately after a PVC is generated. We will also explain why we chose a Webhook-based method over a Controller-based one, along with the design trade-offs involved.

Anyone seeking to enhance reliability for stateful workloads should not miss this session. Learn how a new PVC management strategy can deliver more stable Kubernetes storage.
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Kaoru Esashika

Software Engineer, Cybozu, Inc.
He works at Cybozu, Inc. For the past three years, he has focused on the operation and development of the storage area for a new infrastructure using Kubernetes. His work includes developing and operating distributed storage with Rook and Ceph, and own CSI plugin, TopoLVM.
Monday June 16, 2025 14:45 - 14:50 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Data Processing + Storage

14:52 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: What's New in Prometheus-Operator? - Ashwin Sriram, IIT-BHU
Monday June 16, 2025 14:52 - 14:57 JST
Join us for an exciting overview of the latest developments in Prometheus-Operator! This lightning talk will explore game-changing features, including the new ScrapeClasses for simplified monitoring configuration, DaemonSet Mode in PrometheusAgent for enhanced deployment flexibility, and expanded Service Discovery support across multiple cloud providers.

We'll explore how these additions, along with our improved documentation and new Scale Subresource capabilities, are making Prometheus-Operator more powerful and user-friendly than ever. You'll also learn about "poctl", our new command-line tool that is designed to handle Prometheus-Operator custom resources.

Plus, get a sneak peek into our roadmap and upcoming features that will shape the future of Kubernetes monitoring. Perfect for anyone interested in Kubernetes monitoring, this talk will equip you with knowledge about the latest tools to enhance your observability stack.
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Ashwin Sriram

Student, IIT-BHU
I'm an engineering student in my final year at IIT-BHU, majoring in metallurgy, but my heart truly lies in software engineering. I'm a maintainer for the Prometheus-Operator website repository, a role I earned after completing my GSoC mentorship. Through this experience, I've developed... Read More →
Monday June 16, 2025 14:52 - 14:57 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Observability

14:59 JST

⚡ Lightning Talk: VexLLM: Silence Negligible CVE Alerts Using LLM - Akihiro Suda, NTT
Monday June 16, 2025 14:59 - 15:04 JST
When using container image vulnerability scanners like Trivy, a large number of vulnerabilities may be detected. However, not all of them necessarily require an action. This is because not all libraries or command-line tools included in the container image are actually utilized.

For example, the `python:3.12.4` image includes a `git` binary with the vulnerability CVE-2024-32002. This vulnerability does not need an immediate action if it is known that the Python application being run does not execute `git` commands.

VEX (Vulnerability-Exploitability eXchange) formats such as OpenVEX can be used to suppress such false alarms.
However, VEX is still not widely adopted due to the difficulty of manual analysis and classification of vulnerabilities.

This presentation introduces VexLLM, a tool that helps writing VEX by leveraging LLMs. VexLLM is available as a plugin for Trivy.

GitHub: https://github.com/AkihiroSuda/vexllm
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Akihiro Suda

Software Engineer, NTT
Akihiro Suda is a software engineer at NTT Corporation. He has been a maintainer of Moby (dockerd), BuildKit, containerd, runc, etc. He is also a founder of nerdctl and Lima (CNCF project).
Monday June 16, 2025 14:59 - 15:04 JST
Level 1 | Orion
  ⚡ Lightning Talks, Security
  • Content Experience Level Any
  • Presentation Language English
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